A lot has happened over the past year!

With vaccination rates on the rise, COVID infection rates on the South Island have improved dramatically from their peak, and the Province is likely to relax the rules around in-person visits soon. However, until they do, please continue to call our office to arrange an appointment if you feel you need to be seen in-person (in-person appointments are still not available for online booking).

West Coast Family Medical Clinic welcomed two new primary care providers during the pandemic. Dr. Navi Khatkar and Nurse Practitioner Janelle Bellerive opened new family medicine practices and have been accepting new patients. A third new primary care provider, Dr. Dataar Cheema, will also be joining the clinic in September.

West Coast Family Medical Clinic is now using a patient registration list called the Health Connect Registry. If you reside in the Western Community region, you can register with this online tool to be added to a local registry for a family doctor or nurse practitioner. You may also register your family or a person in your care. www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-connect-registry/western-communities